Recently the film Inam was withdrawn from theaters by its distributor Tirupathi Brothers spearheaded by director N.Lingsamy. The self imposed ban of the film was the result of the pressure in the form of protests by certain Tamil organizations against the Santhosh Sivan directorial which allegedly showcased the struggle of Tamils in the Sri Lankan ethnic war in poor light.
Now actress Trisha has been dragged into more or less a same kind of controversy. Recently the former Miss Chennai took part in a fashion based event in a Canada and walked the ramp. It is alleged that the event was sponsored by someone close to Sri Lankan president Rajakpaksha who faces grave charges spearheading war crimes and human rights violations meted out to innocent Tamils in the name of war. Trisha's is being criticized for not being sensitive to the sentiment of Tamils despite being a Tamil actress.
The event seems to be organized by a private entity and it is nothing but expecting too much from a celebrity to make background checks about the organizers of such events.
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