Naan Sigappu Manidhan the third production venture of Actor-Producer Vishal Is ready to hit the Screens on April 11. The film directed by Thiru was recently sent for Censor certification. As per reliable sources, we have come to know that the Censor Board officials who watched the film have insisted to remove the lip-lock scene between Vishal and Lakshmi Menon if the film has to be given a clean 'U' certificateIn the era of 'U' certificate becoming a prominent criterion for film producers which will make them eligible to avail the 30% Entertainment Tax cut, the much hyped lip-lock scene may be removed It is unknown whether Vishal the producer will forego the 'scene' or dare retain it.
Meanwhile, Vishal's friend and peer hero Vishnu Vishal has posted a picture of the lip kiss scene in NSM in his Twitter page and pulled the feet of his friend stating "Oki now i know why i wasn allowed on d sets of Naan Sigappu Manithan ".
It is worth recalling that the Neerparavai hero surprised many by speaking about the closeness of Vishal and Lakshmi Menon and jocularly stating how the Vishal avoided the first meeting of Vishnu and Vishal during the audio launch of NSM.
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